Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My favorite film

GeneralIy I really love to watch movies, for that reason I have many favorites films like“The note book”, “Titanic”, “In the wild”, “The others”, “The pianist”, “Life is beautiful”, and many others. But today I want to talk about a film that I had watched recently, it calls “Griffin and Phoenix” or “Lección de vida”. This film is about two persons who met each other in a special class about death at the university. Both had a terminal cancer, but they never told it to the other, then they had a date together where they passed a very nice night.

They started to have a lot of confidence between each other, and they passed very nice moments together so finally they felt in love, but with it they realized that both had a terminal cancer, so they decided to live their last days of life as they were kids, making a lot of crazy things, enjoying every minutes of life.

At the end of the movie they started to feel bad, because death started to be near of their lives. But till the end they tried to be as better as possible in order to enjoy their love and their last moments of life.

I liked very much this movie because it´s a very beautiful love story that left an important lesson of life, it is that we have to live every moment as the last one. Sometimes we are very close doing our things, and we can´t look at the beautiful things of life, and that is what we have to improve, because in that way we are going to be happier than now.