Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chilean health system:

Different than France, Chile has two different health systems: the public and private systems. The public health is financed by 7% from user’s money (which is obligatory for both systems), and by FONASA who is an organization who works controling the public health system. The private one is in charge of ISAPRES who are financed by the 7 % from user’s money and, depending on the plan that you want to be, you can pay more money to have a best and more complete health service.

AUGE is a plan who wants to control all the rights of the people related with health at the public and private system, like access, financing, opportunity and quality for all the Chilean people.

But in my opinion, Chilean haven´t got equals rights related with health because the system is not the same in private and public system.

For example in Sicko we could see that in France the health system is equal for all French people, because they have free health all the days of the years, all day and whatever times they need it. Also the system function perfectly, they haven´t to wait more than an hour, and in Chile even the health is not free for all the people you have to wait sometimes days, weeks and months to be assisted by a doctor.

I think that Chile needs a better system, maybe like in France or England but at the same time I think that as a country we haven´t got money to improve it now, so my opinion for the solution comes from the formation of the Health professionals, and how they get their payment from public health system, then the system is going to grow up with better professionals and with more resources and in fact a better attention for the people.

Levonorgestrel a difficult topic:

Talk about levonorgestrel is very difficult, because I can listen many opinions and points of view about the pill of the day after, but I can´t say who have the reason, because I don´t investigate more about this topic so I can´t see the true by myself, also it isn’t a concerns about the use and the real function of this pill, in fact there are many theories about it.

This topic is very controversial because two reasons: One of them is that some people say that levonorgestrel is abortive. In my opinion, life begin when the zygote arrives to the uterus and happened the implantation, that´s why I think that levonorgestrel isn´t abortive, because it acts before the implantation by different ways like preventing the ovulation, preventing the union between sperm and egg, and it´s in discussion if the pill do something at the walls of the uterus.

And the other controversial topic is about the correct use of the pill which is used principally for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, for example by sex abuses or for sex without protection, that’s why is so controversial, because some people thinks that the use of the pill will contribute to the libertinism, to the ITS, etc.

My point of view is that, the use of this type of pills have to be permitted, because everyone is free to do what they think better for their bodies and life, but always with responsibility, and that’s why is necessary to educate the Chilean people about the use of this pills. And that´s why is very important that midwives know about this topic, because we are the ones who have to educate the society about family planning, about many of their rights as persons and we have to help people to take good decisions about something as important as pregnancy.