Friday, October 15, 2010

Stress, the sickness of the XXI century.

It is more difficult to find somebody saying I am Ok than somebody saying I am stressed. It is an silence disease, because when you recognize on yourself its signals like weariness, repeated headaches, and more physicals and psychological signs you are completely stressed. My grandfather fall ill when he stopped working at 65 years old, this situation finally caused on him difficulties to walk, to speak, to eat : he was destroying himself and he didn’t realize. 5 years later, he had a cancer. Doctors explain that his stress was so aggressive that it caused problems with his cells .

When I was living in La Serena, some years ago, and came to visit my family in Santiago, I realized that here the streets, lights, the noise, etc, takes you in a ball called stress, and all of us were affected, but coming back and looking to the sea, believe me, it cleaned our minds.

Today I’m living in Santiago and I’m studying at University and I notice that the life is faster than some years ago, I think that it’s because we have more things to do specially at the university, where the classes, activities, tests, and works are hardly than ever in our childhood at school, also we have more responsibilities as adults.

To carry on a life like this, people recommends to do sports, yoga, Pilates, to eat fruit and vegetables and, in general to have a good style of life. But it’s really difficult!!! How can you do it if you have only a few hours of the day for yourself? I think that we have to learn a lot about how to carry on this desease.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Antenatal care at schools

The national institute for health and clinical excellence want´s that midwives goes to schools to advice and makes antenatal care controls to the teen age’s pregnant women. That´s because teen ages pregnancy is a big problem at the UK and because many girls have problems to go to their antenatal controls or they are afraid to tell to their parents about their pregnancy, so they don´t go to their antenatal controls. Another problem is at the deprive backgrounds, where the risk of still birth and baby dying in the six first weeks of life is twice than in teen ages women who goes to their antenatal controls.

This idea would help teen age´s pregnant women, to educate them about the right alimentation that they have to eat and about the risks of alcohol and Tabaco abuse. Also the antenatal controls would help to find typical pregnancy diseases like gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia.

Although all the profits of the antenatal care control on teen age’s pregnancy, there are some people who said that this system would normalize the teen age problem at schools, so they are not agree with the proposition.

Some people who apply the idea think that improving it, making some changes according to the needs of the society, like the teen age pregnancy prevention in areas with high teen age’s pregnancy rate, it would be better to the society.

Other people said that the system have to be focused in the way of education, and antenatal care in different groups, like teen ages centers, at schools, at GP surgeries, etc.

The general secretary of the Royal College of Midwives said that this system would need more staff and resources to be implementing. Nevertheless He is happy to know about this recommendation because is a step in the right direction to improve social problems like teen age pregnancy.