Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How I lived earthquake

The night of earthquake I went to bed very late, because I was watching Viña del Mar Festival at the TV.
I slept one hour, when suddenly my bed started to move on, and obviously I woke up with the movement, but I thoght that it would stop, but it didn`t. So I put on my slippers and my sweater as faster I can, then the earthquake started to move very strong so I went to wake up my little brother who was sleeping, I pulled his arm till he was asleep, then my Mom started to shout that we had to go down stairs with the rest of the family. When we were at the stairs it was imposible to continued so my Dad helped us takeing by our arms. Then we stayed together till the earthquake stoped. While it happened I listened many different and horrible sounds. I was really scared.
When everything stoped, I felt so nevous because of the situation. My Dad decided to go to my grandparent´s house, because they live near us, and while he was there the first reply of earthquake started to move the house again.
The rest of the night we stayed together triying to sleep on my parent`s bed.
We was without ligt 5 days, but my neighbours had it so they helped us with energy for the frizzer.

I felt very extrange for many days after earthquake, my sensation was scare and insecure.
Notwithstanding, I`m very grateful because all my family is good, and nothing terrible happened to us.

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