Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"My Favourite Website"

I don´t visit a specific website, but now I found one that I liked so much. It is It means "our delivery".

In this website you can find many interesting things about the humanized delivery. It has many sections, where you can find information like: what is humanized delivery, questions about delivery, videos, testimonies, scientific evidences about the profit of humanized delivery, comments and links for another websites about the humanized delivery .

The objectives of this page is make conscience about the profits of the humanized delivery to the mother and newborn, so they say "for our rights to choose", because many people don´t know about this profits so they can´t choose what they really want for theirs deliveries.

Well, as I said before, it´s the first time that I visit this website, but now, I think that I´m going to visit it more often, because I really like it.

I like this website because I think that the humanized delivery is a very beautiful process that brings many profits. Besides, we have to know that this is a natural process, so we have to think that many people lived it before that the medicine participates in it. So now, as a midwives, we have to have respect with the delivery, because it´s a personal process between mother and newborn, and maybe with the father too. All the information related with this, it is located in the website with scientific evidences, for that reason I think that it´s very interesting.

Obviously, I recommend this website to all my Friends, especially to my classmates, who are going to be midwives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm like this topic of humanized delivery, because I think that is a beautiful way and most natural of this process, and also because pregnancy is very medicalized actually.
    It`s good that there are website of this subject!
    See you later!
