Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My future as a midwife:

When I´ll finish my career I will study something related with midwifery, like a graduate course in neonatology. My idea is to study abroad, because I think that is necessary to know other people’s views of the profession. For example I know that some midwives of the Midwifery School of the Medicine Faculty from the Universidad de Chile went to study to Belgium, other went to Sweden, etc. I especially like the option to study in Europe, because my Grandmother is Belgian so I want to know this place and their customs, so what better than going to study there and doing what I like.

The other topic that I find interesting is the humanized born, so I would like to work on this too. But I think that I have to know more about that. At the anthropology class I learnt about some kind of midwifes calls Doulas; they are who support the mothers during the humanized born. To be a Doula I have to study abroad too, but I don’t know about the possible countries yet.

After this, I want to work in a Public hospital, because I know that people needs a good kind of health care and they also needs good professionals to trust on for their own care and for their newborns care too.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My first option at the career list

When I was at school, I wanted to study Medicine, and after it, I thought to be specializing in pediatrics and neonatology. My second option was midwifery, because it´s very related with neonatology, but I thought that my first option was more complete than only midwifery.

But my PSU score wasn´t enough for Medicine, so I decided to study Midwifery. But my feelings wasn’t negative about my decision, because Midwifery was something that I wanted and it´s very beautiful too, also I thought that : if I don´t liked it, I should try again with the PSU next year. In general my thought was “All happens for something in life”.

During this two years I am sure that what I thought it wasn´t an error. Now I think that seven years of Medicine and two or four years studying specific areas, are too much between five years of midwifery doing what I really love. Also, after the career I can be specializing in neonatology too.

Today I am in love with my career, because all what we do is assist people in their good or physiological conditions, and I think that this work is very important to the people because we are the ones who have to be with the family supporting them during all their lives, living many situations with them.

I really love this career, because I like to assist people with those beautiful processes of life, like gestation, born and lactation. Also I love babies so I´m very happy to assist them in their first days of life.

For all of this if I should have to choose again for any career, obviously midwifery should be my first option.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"My Favourite Website"

I don´t visit a specific website, but now I found one that I liked so much. It is It means "our delivery".

In this website you can find many interesting things about the humanized delivery. It has many sections, where you can find information like: what is humanized delivery, questions about delivery, videos, testimonies, scientific evidences about the profit of humanized delivery, comments and links for another websites about the humanized delivery .

The objectives of this page is make conscience about the profits of the humanized delivery to the mother and newborn, so they say "for our rights to choose", because many people don´t know about this profits so they can´t choose what they really want for theirs deliveries.

Well, as I said before, it´s the first time that I visit this website, but now, I think that I´m going to visit it more often, because I really like it.

I like this website because I think that the humanized delivery is a very beautiful process that brings many profits. Besides, we have to know that this is a natural process, so we have to think that many people lived it before that the medicine participates in it. So now, as a midwives, we have to have respect with the delivery, because it´s a personal process between mother and newborn, and maybe with the father too. All the information related with this, it is located in the website with scientific evidences, for that reason I think that it´s very interesting.

Obviously, I recommend this website to all my Friends, especially to my classmates, who are going to be midwives.