Thursday, November 18, 2010

English courses at the Medicine Faculty of the University of Chile


Today every job needs people who are competent in English, because of globalization. Today people are more connected all over the world, and the universal language is English, so the only way to be communicated or to be updated is with this language.

In the health system is very important to know how to talk in English for many reasons, like some books and articles are in English, or the patients can be from other country so is important to understand them, or because we need to travel to work in another country.


Today many Universities prepare people to work in a globalize world, teaching them the language of the word that is English. Universities offer exchanging with other universities from other countries, and also give articles in English to their students, and all of this is because the information is running so fast, from different parts of the word.

The Medicine Faculty form the University of Chile has some courses of English where students can learn the language in four different levels, the first one is started, then come beginner, the following is pre intermediate, and the last is intermediate.

For example, the Midwifery school from the Faculty, started with the English courses on 2009, with the first generation of the new curriculum of the School.

The English course started with a diagnosis test, and with those results people qualify on different levels of English. But in a course there are many differences between the English that knows one people than other, and this is a very good way to learn too, because students can help each other. Also the courses can be mixed with midwifery students and with physical therapy students or they can be separated, any way, the idea is to learn thing in English who will be helpful in our future as professionals. For example in the midwifery English course we learnt to do medical histories, questions for the patient, etc.


English is a very important skill that people need to be a good health professional, in fact it helps a lot during the entire career, that’s why University of Chile offer English courses for some students, like those form the Midwifery School.

With this competition, students can study form update books, articles or papers like those who are in English. Also, a lot of doors are opening for students who want to learn more things about those careers abroad, or to work in another country.

Any way English is helpful for the entire life.

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