Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"San José miners, the news of the year"

Maybe it was the news of the year all around the world, and also it was a tragedy for all Chilean people. I´m talking about the 33 miners who was trapped in the San José mine, during 70 days.

It was on august 5th when 33 miners get trapped into San Jose mine. It was a tragedy for all people, because at first minutes, people didn´t know if miners were alive or not. For that reason, specialized people started to do a duct in the area where they supposed that miners where trapped.

It passed seventeen days till they were sure about the supposition, because the duct arrived to the shelter where the miners were trapped. The place was located at 700 meters of profundity, so the condition of life were not the best for human life, that´s why the people in charge immediately started to do things to help miners to be better inside the mine. For example, doctors did an anamnesis to know the health conditions of them, nutritionists made an especial diet, and some technics made an especial telephone to send to through the duct.

But more time had to pass till the miner´s rescue, because the machines had to make a duct bigger than the first one they did, one which the miners could pass to be rescued.
The rescue happened on October the 12th, after more than 2 month of the tragedy, this day many cameras form different TV programs from all around the world were put on the miners rescue. I think that it was a very especial moment for all Chilean people, because they could follow the rescue by especial TV shows that were transmitted during all the process.

I really hope that these types of tragedies don´t happen again in the whole world, because I suppose that we learnt from this terrible process what the mines industry must to prevent.

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