Thursday, November 4, 2010

Myths and trues of the brain

There are many myths about how works our brain Works, but not all of them are true, so let’s review two typical myths:

Time ago, somebody exposed that we can study while sleeping, listening what we want to learn during the night. But it can´t work, because when you fall sleeping many of the brain connections get off, specially those who works with the sense organs like the audition, that’s why we don’t pay attention on the things that happened around us while sleeping.

Another important myth is that we can use only the 10 % of brain activities. But fortunately that isn´t true. To understand the reason, first we must to know that brain works with different sections, which have a specific function, for example the front of brain works on thinking activities, while the back of it works on watching, so it makes connections for each activity. But each parts works together at the same time, because at the same time we can be watching, thinking, and listening something, so there are 3 parts working, and making connections between them. That’s the reason because we use all brain functions and connections. The thing is, that we must stimulate the formation of those connections, beginning at babies till our last days of life, that’s why people get more capabilities than others, although all people use the 100 % of the brain functions.

It´s very important to know the true about the brain activities because we are going to work with people, so we must to know how their brains works, also we have to be informed about it.

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