Wednesday, June 30, 2010


When I knew that we had to do a blog for English class, I though that it would be funny. And it has been more than fun, because it was interesting and useful too. I learnt a lot of grammar and fluency, my write is much better than before, at the beginning of the year.

We wrote about many topics, but now I’m going to give an opinion about my favourite’s one:

The second post was one of my favourite, because we wrote about the earthquake, and it was very interesting to know how it was to the other people, like different experiences of the catastrophe.

The third one was about our favourite website, it was very difficult to write it, because I hadn’t a favourite one, so I had to investigate about a website related with obstetrics, then I found one, and it was very interesting to read it, finally I really like this post.

The next blog I liked it was about our career. I think it was very funny to write about it, because I remembered the last year at school when I took the option to study midwifery at the University of Chile. This blog was very inspiring, because in my opinion this topic is very personal.

Then I wrote about our future as midwifes, It was beautiful too, because I dreamed a lot, but at the same time I saw it like real and near future, like study abroad something related with obstetrics.

The last post was free, but it was very special for me, because I wrote about my pet, who is very important for me, so it was very difficult to write it because it was very sensible to me.

In my opinion, Blogging was a very good idea to improve our grammar and fluency. Also it was very interesting to read my friend’s opinions. But on the another hand I think it takes a lot of time doing it at home, so a way to improve it can be doing it at English class.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Samantha, my pet and sister

I have always loved animals, especially dogs. When I was a child I hadn’t got any pet, because my Dad didn’t like them. But my Grandmom had a dog called Frida, she was a very good and faithful dachshund, I loved her so much, then my Grand mom told us that Frida could be our dog while we were at her house.

When I was ten years all, my Dad decided to give a dog for my Mother’s birthday. The day Samantha arrived to our house, I think it was one of the most beautiful days of my life.

Samantha was a very little Cocker Spaniel, with a beautiful hair color, with big and curly ears…. We loved her at first moment we saw her.

First we thought that cocker could be a little bit complicated because of their typical character, but Samantha was especial, she has never caused any disorder, she is very calm, also when she arrived to the house she knew that she had to pee outside at the grass. So she always was a lady, that’s why sometimes we think that Samantha isn’t a dog. In fact, she has always been pampered, that´s why she started to dark when she was one year old and they normally do it at 6 month of life.

When she grew up she started to show us her personality. For example she doesn’t like to be alone, so she always walks behind of us. She like to eat human food mixed with her especial food, and at the morning she loves to drink a little of milk or yoghurt, she loves to sleep in her bed, which must be a special one, very softly and hot.

I really love her, I always be hugging and kissing her, but she doesn´t like it very much, maybe I´m a little bit annoyed, but I hope that she knows that it´s because I love her.

Now Samantha is 12 years old, she is very old, now she doesn´t listen, she sleeps many hours per day, and she plays only a little, but she still looks very sweet and beautiful, and I am sure that she is very happy living with us.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who doesn’t like to travel on holidays?

In my opinion holidays are the best thing in life, because I can travel, and I love to do it.

I have travelled many times with my family through Chile, and a couple of times to Argentina. Also I travelled to Brazil by my school trip, which it was on winter vacations some years ago.

Well, when I travel with my family it´s very funny, because we do it by car, so nobody tell us where we have to go. For that reason our trips are like an adventure for us, and my Dad love it!

For example, one day my Dad said that he wanted to know a route that was through the mountain, so we did it, but it was terrible because the way was so narrow, so the car was very close to the ravine. I remember that there were old bridges by wood, and when the care passed over them it creak very stronger.

It didn’t happen only once, all trips we do have different adventures. First time I thought I was in danger, I felt very scared, but I saw my Dad´s face and all the time he was very happy and calm, so now I always look at his face and I try to enjoy the trips like he does.

The last big trip was on 2006, and we went to South of Chile, to Bariloche and then to San martin de los Andes in Argentina too. And of course we do it by car. It was amazing! I knew so beautiful and different places. I remember that it was winter so it was very cold, especially in Bariloche, and it was windy too, so we went to buy many chocolates and we ate a lot of Medias Lunas.

The next trip that we want to do is to The Austral way, by car so I hope we can do it this year or the next, I really want to travel with my family like we did it some years ago.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prevention and health promotion by a Midwife

We have a very important role related with prevention, because midwives works at many health areas, like hospitals and primary care centre; in many cases we have to assist the same family during all their lives. For that reason we must to promote the education individuals, in families and communities. In the way of the education we can prevent a lot of diseases.

At the primary care centre always comes pregnant women for their prenatal control, there we have to do many educations related with nutrition during pregnancy or educations related with newborn care, bond, etc. When we begin this type of educations, individually, we have to do it at box and explain them all the topics, it calls counselling. Another way is that pregnant goes to practice activities with other women where midwives teach them about lactation for example.

As we know, midwives works with women during all their life, so in many occasions it is very important to work with the family promoting good styles of life, nutrition, relationships in the family, preventing sedentary, etc. One activity where we need all the family is when we want to promote the early stimulation for the fetus, and while we do it we promote the bond between the family and the baby, we can do it with a practice activity.

Another way to do education is in the communities where we have to educate about good styles of life, like safe sexuality, nutrition, drugs, tobacco, etc. But this type of intervention is different, because we have to go to the community and do activities related with those specific necessities and interestings, because the idea is that people feel identify with the activity in order to be interesting for them. In that way we are going to teach them and prevent diseases. We can do activities like football, to promote the physical activities, and prevent the sedentary, or activities that promote good use of the preservative, where people learn to use it with practice activities, preventing the sexually transmitted disease.

As midwives we are very close of the people trough many important process, especially with women, so is very important to promote healthy lifestyles, because in this way we can prevent a lot of diseases, bringing them a better kind of life .

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gender problems in my career:

The gender problems are present at the health careers, especially in nursery and midwifery.
I don´t know if gender problems happens in other countries. But I think that it depends on the culture. For example, in countries where people are more reserved, the gender probably could be a problem, especially in midwifery.
In Chile, when obstetrics and puericulture appeared, all the students were girls. But this situation has been changed, because each year comes to study more men to this career.
I think that be a man-midwife have profits related with the relationship between women and professional. This is because generally women feels more confidence or security with men than with women and because women usually think that men don´t know about the women´s pains so they work carefully.
I don´t know if those feelings and thoughts are true or not, but many times it helps women to be assisted in a better way according their necessities during their process.
To reduce the gender problem in midwifery, we have to include men in our job, recognizing their capacities working with women, because in the practice they shows a really good relationship with their patients, in fact, many women feels comfortable after been assisted by a man.