Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prevention and health promotion by a Midwife

We have a very important role related with prevention, because midwives works at many health areas, like hospitals and primary care centre; in many cases we have to assist the same family during all their lives. For that reason we must to promote the education individuals, in families and communities. In the way of the education we can prevent a lot of diseases.

At the primary care centre always comes pregnant women for their prenatal control, there we have to do many educations related with nutrition during pregnancy or educations related with newborn care, bond, etc. When we begin this type of educations, individually, we have to do it at box and explain them all the topics, it calls counselling. Another way is that pregnant goes to practice activities with other women where midwives teach them about lactation for example.

As we know, midwives works with women during all their life, so in many occasions it is very important to work with the family promoting good styles of life, nutrition, relationships in the family, preventing sedentary, etc. One activity where we need all the family is when we want to promote the early stimulation for the fetus, and while we do it we promote the bond between the family and the baby, we can do it with a practice activity.

Another way to do education is in the communities where we have to educate about good styles of life, like safe sexuality, nutrition, drugs, tobacco, etc. But this type of intervention is different, because we have to go to the community and do activities related with those specific necessities and interestings, because the idea is that people feel identify with the activity in order to be interesting for them. In that way we are going to teach them and prevent diseases. We can do activities like football, to promote the physical activities, and prevent the sedentary, or activities that promote good use of the preservative, where people learn to use it with practice activities, preventing the sexually transmitted disease.

As midwives we are very close of the people trough many important process, especially with women, so is very important to promote healthy lifestyles, because in this way we can prevent a lot of diseases, bringing them a better kind of life .

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