Wednesday, June 30, 2010


When I knew that we had to do a blog for English class, I though that it would be funny. And it has been more than fun, because it was interesting and useful too. I learnt a lot of grammar and fluency, my write is much better than before, at the beginning of the year.

We wrote about many topics, but now I’m going to give an opinion about my favourite’s one:

The second post was one of my favourite, because we wrote about the earthquake, and it was very interesting to know how it was to the other people, like different experiences of the catastrophe.

The third one was about our favourite website, it was very difficult to write it, because I hadn’t a favourite one, so I had to investigate about a website related with obstetrics, then I found one, and it was very interesting to read it, finally I really like this post.

The next blog I liked it was about our career. I think it was very funny to write about it, because I remembered the last year at school when I took the option to study midwifery at the University of Chile. This blog was very inspiring, because in my opinion this topic is very personal.

Then I wrote about our future as midwifes, It was beautiful too, because I dreamed a lot, but at the same time I saw it like real and near future, like study abroad something related with obstetrics.

The last post was free, but it was very special for me, because I wrote about my pet, who is very important for me, so it was very difficult to write it because it was very sensible to me.

In my opinion, Blogging was a very good idea to improve our grammar and fluency. Also it was very interesting to read my friend’s opinions. But on the another hand I think it takes a lot of time doing it at home, so a way to improve it can be doing it at English class.

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